What Is Scramble Golf?

Image of 4 Golf teams with 4 players each, playing scramble golf with rules to explain the scramble format written beneath

Get ready to have some fun on the course. Scramble golf is all about enjoying yourself away from the usual pressures and constraints of regular golf.

We’ll walk and talk you through what scrambling is and how to play it, so you can show off to your golfing buddies and have some fun.

Scramble Golf: An Introduction

Playing a scramble golf tournament is like playing a wild and crazy game of tag. Your tag team of (usually) four players runs around the course, trying to pick the best spot to hit their shots from after each round. Each member hits their own ball, but not from where they landed on the fairway. Instead, they hit from the best spot after the first stroke selected by the team leader.

It’s not about individual scores, but more about having fun and often supporting charities – the rules get mixed up and changed depending on the tournament organizers. You might even get the chance to do two tee shots instead of one, making it a wild and chaotic game of golf!

Why is scramble golf so popular?

Rather than making the game a frustrating and slow-paced experience, scramble golf is the perfect way to let even the not-so-great golfers feel welcome and have some fun.

Instead of struggling with bad lies and counting each shot, they can just kick back and enjoy the game, while still contributing to their team’s score. It’s the perfect way to get everyone involved and make sure nobody is left out.

Whether you’re a pro or a beginner, scramble golf is the ideal way to enjoy a round of golf with all your buddies.

The Rules for Playing In A Golf Scramble Tournament

Scramble golf starts with each member of the team lining up for a tee shot and driving the ball.

Once all the balls have landed on the fairway (or the green if you’re lucky!) the team discusses which shot looks the most promising for their strategy. After careful deliberation (and a few laughs, presumably), the captain of the team has the final say and marks the spot for everyone to see.

Then, the team lets loose.

Each golfer will take their next swing from the designated spot (or within a club length from the spot, with one exception: hazards) and compete to get the lowest score for the hole. Then, they’ll start the next hole, aiming to hit the hole in as few strokes as possible in a bid to make their score at the end of the round a good one (much like regular golf).

When the ball falls into a hazard (e.g. water or sand) they can’t move it and must play from the spot. Therefore, it means no matter how bad their shot was, they can’t get a one-club length advantage by dropping in a hazard.

Only one shot (and therefore only one ball) counts per hole, so each team has to bring their A-game to win. All the best scores are added up to determine the overall rating of the team, with the team with the lowest total score taking home the victory.

If teams are tied after their scramble tournament, the organizers will, at random, draw a hole number and use the team’s lowest score from that hole to decide the winner.

For instance, if the lucky number is 5, whichever team scored the lowest on hole 5 is the winner. If the score is still tied, the tournament officials will have the teams continue to play hole 5 until someone wins. To speed up the process, players can choose to play for bogey.

Scramble Golf Format Variations

Texas scramble

This version of a golf scramble is like the traditional way i.e. it has the same number of team members (four) and the rules are generally the same. But, the Texas scramble has an added twist: every team member has to put in at least four drives during the game.

Florida scramble

The Florida golf scramble rules state that, after every stroke, one team member gets a break and sits out the next stroke, except for the drive on each hole. In other scramble tournament formats, the whole team plays each hole, so this style offers you more of a breather!

Las Vegas scramble

The Vegas golf scramble doesn’t let the team captain choose whose drive to use – instead it’s all left to chance. Each of the four team members is assigned a number from 1-4, then after driving, one player rolls a die. Whoever’s number comes up is the drive that must be used for the rest of the hole. If it’s a 5 or 6, you’re in luck – you get to choose which drive to use in this case.

Whose drive will be used? In classic Sin City style, it’s all about whether Lady Luck is on your side.


The Bramble golf scramble is a bit of a combo of scramble and best ball. The first part of the game acts just like regular scramble tournaments, where each player plays a scramble off the tee. From the next shot on, however, it’s every man for himself, and the best ball rule applies.

Top Tips For Winning Scramble Format Golf

Who says golf is a laid back sport? Golfers, even casual golfers, are some of the most competitive sportspeople around, and when they play scrambling in golf, pretty much everyone cares about winning.

While it is all about taking part (cough cough), it’s only natural that you want your scramble team to win. So, here are a few top tips to help you and your team take home the prize:

Choose your team

If you have the chance to pick your team, make sure to select players with different abilities and strengths. That way, everyone can be a part of the fun and no one will feel like they can’t contribute to the team. It’s just manners really. If someone isn’t great at driving, for example, you can find a player who excels in that area.

Consider your strategy for a successful scramble

If you don’t get to pick your squad, don’t worry, you still get to call the shots. Well, to a degree, anyway. It’s key to come up with a solid game plan and decide who takes each shot. Let your star player take a breather and have your second-best driver go first.

This takes the heat off them and gives you a backup in case of any misfires. You should also apply this logic to all the other shots you take. Spreading out the workload ensures everyone has a chance to shine. And, the pressure is shared.

Support your golfing buddies

If you spot a teammate struggling with their shot, it’s on you to lend a helping hand. It’s all about working together to get the job done, and that’s why having cooperative players on your team is so important. Even though golf is usually an individual sport, it’s still a good idea to tackle any tricky spots with a team effort in a scramble game.

Don’t take it (too) seriously

OK, golf is a competitive sport. But in a scramble tournament, the emphasis should be on fun. It’s a time to let your proverbial hair down, chill out with friends, and indulge in some friendly – emphasis on friendly – rivalry.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Playing Scramble Golf

Even though scramble tournaments can make for a great game of golf, there are some downsides. First, let’s look at why so many casual players enjoy being part of a scramble team:


  • Golfing can be taxing; you need to focus on the small details. However, trading in the details for some fun is what makes a scramble so appealing. It’s a great way to relax and have a good time without worrying about all the nuances of the game.
  • Studying how more experienced players take on the same shot can help you improve your game and make more successful decisions on the course.
  • You don’t have to be an all-star to make a difference on the team. You can use your unique skills and collaborate with your teammates to accomplish great things. 
  • Since all decisions in the scramble are made as a team, it’s a great way to promote teamwork among players. It also makes a great bonding session.

Scramble tournaments aren’t for everyone, however. Let’s look at a few downsides to the game:


  • Golfers who are looking to improve their skills dread participating in scramble formats and generally prefer to work on perfecting their technique on the golf course and understanding their own swings. While scramble golf can be a fun time, it doesn’t give golfers the best opportunity to concentrate on each and every aspect of their game.
  • Playing a lot of scramble golf can result in a decrease in your golfing prowess. After all, you don’t get to practice those tricky shots that can help you out of a pinch, which is an essential component of playing solo golf.


How many golfers are there in scramble golf?

It’s all up to you, your team, and/or the organizers. Whether you want to play scramble golf with just a single buddy or round up the whole gang, a scramble team can include anywhere from two to six players.

Is there a handicap requirement in the scramble golf format?

Playing scramble golf is all about having fun, so handicaps aren’t really a major factor. When playing with friends or family, it’s up to the teams to decide on handicap terms. In a tournament setting, it’s the organizers who make the call.

What does scrambling mean in golf?

Scrambling and a scramble game should no be confused. The former is a statistic that is used to assess a golfer’s short game. The equation is: Successful scrambles (chipping or putting from less than 50 yards and landing within one putt from the green) divided by missed greens.

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