What Does Pin High Mean In Golf?

When you’re a beginner in Golf you hear a lot of phrases or terms thrown around that you might not of heard before, one of those you might hear when approaching the green is ‘pin high’ but what exactly does it mean?!

What Does Pin High Mean In Golf?

An image of a golf course hole with a red horizontal dotted line going through the golf hole to show what position is classed as pin high
In this image hitting your golf shot Pin High would mean your golf ball has come to rest anywhere along the red dotted line

Being pin high in golf means that the golf has landed and rests to the right or left and even (on the same horizontal line) with the flagstick (pin).

For example, if the flagstick is in the middle of the green, hitting a ball ‘pin high’ can mean that your ball will finish in the middle of the green to either the right or left of the flagstick.

The ball doesn’t have to be on the green to finish pin high though, you could end up in a greenside bunker and still be pin high. That’s because the greenside bunker could be to the right or left and on the same horizontal line as the flagstick.

However, as you can see from the examples above ‘pin high’ can mean the ball the rest anywhere on the same horizontal line as the hole.

So, when someone says it’s pin high it can be a compliment let’s say if your ball rests 2 feet left of the pin.

But, It can also be used in a bit of a jokey way, let’s say you’ve hit your shot and the ball rests even with the hole but 20 feet to the left of the pin and in a greenside bunker someone can still say ‘at least you’re pin high’.

Pin High Vs. Hole High

If you hear someone say ‘hole high’ just know that it means that exact same thing as pin high. We know, more lingo to try and remember.

Why Does Hitting The Golf Ball Pin High Matter?

Being pin matters because it means you had a good golf club choice and you have judged the distance of your shot well.

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