Pairs Matchplay Handicap Calculator

Pairs Matchplay Handicap Calculator

Playing Handicap Player 1: 0

Playing Handicap Player 2: 0

Playing Handicap Player 3: 0

Playing Handicap Player 4: 0

Strokes Player 1: 0

Strokes Player 2: 0

Strokes Player 3: 0

Strokes Player 4: 0

How Does the Pairs Matchplay Handicap Calculator Work?

The calculation for stoke allowance has changed under the World Handicap System (WHS).

Playing Handicap’s for Pairs Matchplay are 90% of the Course Handicap (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Players with the lowest Playing Handicap gets 0 strokes.

Don’t worry, our calculator does all the hard work for you!

Pairs Matchplay Calculation Example

Step 1: Course Handicaps

For each player, enter their handicap index and slope rating into the calculator to convert the the Handicap Index into and Course Handicap

Step 2: Playing Handicap (90% Allowance of Course Handicap)

Adjust each Handicap to 90% of the Course Handicap, rounding to the a whole number. This gives you the each players Playing Handicap.

Step 3: Stroke Allowances (Adjusted For Lowest Handicap)

Adjust each Playing Handicap so the lowest Handicap player gets 0 strokes.


Player 1: Handicap Index 8.9
Player 2: Handicap Index 14.2
Player 3: Handicap Index 19.8
Player 4: Handicap Index 24.5
Slope Rating: 129

Step 1: Course Handicaps

Player 1: 8.9 x 129 / 113 = 10.16, rounded = 10
Player 2: 14.2 x 129 / 113 = 16.21, rounded = 16
Player 3: 19.8 x 129 / 113 = 22.60, rounded = 23
Player 4: 24.5 x 129 / 113 = 27.97, rounded = 28

Step 2: Playing Handicap (90% Allowance of Course Handicap)

Player 1: 10 x 90% = 9
Player 2: 16 x 90% = 14.4, rounded = 14
Player 3: 23 x 90% = 20.7, rounded = 21
Player 4: 28 x 90% = 25.2, rounded = 25

Step 3: Stroke Allowances (Adjusted For Lowest Handicap)

Player 1: 9 – 9 = 0
Player 2: 14 – 9 = 5
Player 3: 21- 9 = 12
Player 4: 25 – 16 = 16

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