How to Use a Putting Mirror

As a golfer, you know the importance of developing your putting skills. You can practice with more effectiveness and improve your stroke consistency by using a putting mirror. This training aids in assessing your eye alignment and putter face angle. It provides you with helpful and instant feedback so you can make the necessary adjustments to nail your puts, every time.

This article will teach you how to make the most of your putting mirror. Read on to discover the benefits of using mirrors and how to incorporate them into your practice routine.

When Should You Use Putting Mirrors?

Using a putting mirror will help the most during warm-ups or practice sessions before a golf game. Depending on the situation, it could give you fast feedback on the mechanics of your stroke and proper eye alignment. This lets you see any technique faults and make corrections to improve your putting skills.

You can also use a mirror if your putting stroke isn’t working well or you’re seeing inconsistent results. It will help in developing muscle memory and reinforce the basics of putting that you may have forgotten. This will increase your consistency and confidence while playing the greens.

How to Use a Putting Mirror in 5 Steps

Here’s a step-by-step process on how to use a putting mirror:

1. Set up the mirror

Putting mirror with putter

Start by setting up the putting mirror on a level surface, such as a carpeted area or putting green. The best approach is to align the mirror with your target line, ensuring it is parallel to the putter face.

This will enable you to check your alignment and make any required corrections. Also, ensure that the mirror is comfortably positioned. This way, you can see your reflection and the alignment markers on its surface.

2. Align your feet and putter

Putting mirror and feet alignment using an alignment stick

Place your feet parallel to the mirror’s alignment lines while standing behind it. This will help you make sure your feet are positioned correctly with your target. To ensure your putter face is square to your target line, match it up with the lines on the mirror.

Practice a few swings while seeing your image in the mirror to practice the correct alignment and technique.

3. Check your eye position

putting mirror and eye alignment using an alignment stick

Look into the mirror and check if your eyes are directly over the ball. It’s essential to focus your eyes squarely above the ball while putting for accuracy. Adjust your stance and posture until you have proper eye alignment.

This will facilitate a steady and efficient stroke. It will also help you to strengthen your muscle memory for better alignment on the golf course when you don’t have the mirror handy.

4. Practice your stroke

putting backswing during practicing putting stroke with putting mirror

Practice your putting stroke after ensuring the mirror is positioned appropriately and your alignment is correct. When swinging the putter back and forth, concentrate on maintaining a fluid and smooth action.

Pay attention to these factors to ensure your stroke has a constant rhythm and pace with every putt. Your accuracy on the golf course will really increase if you get a feel for the length and pace of your putts as you train.

5. Evaluate your alignment and face angle

Examine your alignment and putter face angle in the mirror after every stroke. Watch for any variations in your face angle or departures from your ideal alignment. You can use this feedback to pinpoint any weaknesses in your stroke and make the required corrections.

Why Use a Putting Mirror: 5 Benefits

Adding it to your practice routine can boost your short game in many ways. Here are five reasons why you should use a putting mirror:

  1. Improved alignment: Putting mirrors gives clear visual assistance that simplifies evaluating and adjusting your alignment. You can drastically improve your stroke by practicing with the mirror regularly.
  2. Square face at impact: Keeping your putter face square to the target line at impact is one of the most important aspects of making effective putts. You can achieve more precise and consistent putts by monitoring and adjusting your face angle with the aid of the mirror.
  3. Enhanced consistency: Using a putting mirror can improve your stroke consistency and minimize unintentional movements or compensations. As a result, more putts will have better control and distance.
  4. Feedback and self-correction: The mirror gives you immediate feedback on how you struck the stroke, enabling you to fix any errors or inconsistencies. This lets you improve your self-awareness of your putting stroke and make any adjustments or fixes for the perfect putt.
  5. Confidence building: Your confidence will rise as you get more comfortable with the mirror. By creating muscle memory and fostering confidence in your stroke, the mirror is a training aid that will eventually enhance your performance on the greens.

Using putting mirrors could significantly enhance your short game skills. It’s a valuable tool that may help you improve your accuracy, consistency, and self-assurance while playing the greens.


What is a putting plate?

A putting plate is a training tool golfers use to enhance their putting accuracy and consistency. It’s a flat, rectangular gadget on the ground and features markings or lines to help the golfer with alignment and stroke.

What putting mirror does Cam Smith use?

Cam Smith is well-known for his use of The Pro Path Putting Mirror. This mirror helps detect inconsistencies or weaknesses in your setup and stroke by mirroring your putter face and eye position.

What are some common flaws in the putting technique?

Improper alignment, uneven stroke pace, and inadequate weight distribution are common flaws in the putting technique. These challenges might contribute to missed putts and inconsistency on the greens.

Can putting mirrors be used for other aspects of the short game, or is it specifically for putting?

You can also use a putting mirror to improve your posture for chipping and pitching. It can help golfers develop a proper setup and consistent stroke for their short game.

Final Thoughts

A putting mirror can be helpful for golfers of all ability levels. It assists you in creating a steady and efficient putting stroke by giving you immediate feedback on alignment, posture, and stroke mechanics.

However, the mirror is just a tool, not a miracle solution. Repetition is still essential for progress. Remember to use the mirror as part of your practice regimen. Keep working on other putting skills, such as distance management and reading greens.

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