How To Measure Putter Length: 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever felt that surge of excitement when you sink a killer putt? It’s amazing, right? Well, it turns out, the secret sauce isn’t just in your skill – it’s in your putter. Unless you score a hole-in-one on every round, you will use (and need!) your putter for every hole on the course.

So, having the proper putter length is pretty much a deal breaker.

And here’s the kicker: size really does matter in this department! It’s like finding the right guitar for that perfect solo; your putt game is the symphony and your putter is the conductor, bringing it together flawlessly- but only if it’s the right length.

But… we hate to break it to you: there is no such thing as a “standard length”.

This guide will explain how to measure putter length correctly. We’ll chat about why it’s a game changer, how it can seriously up your putting stroke, and easy steps to figuring out the perfect length for your golfing style.

Think of this article as your VIP pass – unlocking the sweet spot in your golf symphony. Let’s learn how to measure putter length and make those greens your stage for some seriously smooth putting action!

Step-By-Step Guide

Measuring putter length is easy. It basically comes down to how tall you are and your natural grip. Around 35 inches is ideal if you’re 6’0 to 6’2″, but if you’re on the shorter side, then this “standard” putter length is not for you.

Putter shafts are positioned differently, depending on the club’s heel. This means you get heel-shafted putters, offset putters, and non-offset putters. Also, putter heads may have a mallet or blade design.

But don’t let this overwhelm you. While there’s no “standard” length to putters, there is a “standard” procedure on how to measure them – and here’s how you do it:

(Psst, it might be helpful to have a second person assisting you while doing this!)

Step 1: Know your height

Seems simple enough. Once you know your height, putter measuring is a breeze. Know your height in centimeters and inches – due to American and European sizing. If you’re going with inches, for example, a 6’2″ golfer will measure putter length very differently from a 5’2″ golfer.

Side note: We’ll give you a quick height-to-putter length ratio at the end!

Step 2: Gather your tools

Grab a tape measure and find a flat surface to work on. Using a marker can also help in marking points of reference.

Tape measure and golf rule lying flat on the ground

Step 3: Position yourself

Get into your natural putting stance. Stand tall with your head over the ball. Angle your body – head down, knees bent, with a slightly bent back. Let your arms hang naturally. With no putter in hand, measure the distance from the ground to your wrist – this gives you an estimated putter length.

Step 4: Grab a putter

Grab a putter and assume your natural putting stance as mentioned before. Place the putter flat on the ground, making sure the sole (the bottom of the putter head) rests evenly on the surface. Ensure that it is in its natural playing position (i.e. not tilted).

Step 5: Measure putter length

While in this position, let your buddy align the measuring tape with the center of the putter head (putter face) and the butt end of the grip. Make sure the measuring device runs parallel to the shaft and sits snugly against it.

Measuring putter length with a gold rule in stood up position

Voila! This measurement shows your ideal putter length!

What’s Next?

You’ve got your length measurement, but now what?

While this measurement gives you the length of your putter, there are a couple of things you need to consider to be 100% sure it’s the best putter for you, such as:

  • Personal preferences, like comfort and putting style, play a crucial role.
  • Factors like your height, posture, and natural stance might influence your putter length.

If you’re unsure about your self-diagnosed measurements, consider professional help, such as a club fitter. These golfing gurus are experienced in custom fitting and are especially helpful if you’re buying a new putter!

For starters, they’ll measure from the sole of your shoe to the tip of your finger, when naturally standing up straight. This gives them a rough indication of how far your arms hang from the ground, making it easier to find your proper putter length. From here, they’ll give you a couple of different putters to try out, taking your putting stance and style into consideration.

Once you’ve landed on the right piece of golf equipment, practice regularly to get accustomed to how your putter feels. Remember, it’s not so much about finding the “correct” length based on numbers, but figuring out what fits your golfing style!

A comfortable, well-measured putter can work wonders for your putting accuracy – and ego – on the greens!

Top tip: Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try a bunch of different lengths to find what feels most comfortable and natural for your putting stroke. You may even find that a longer putter is the right fit for you!

Putter Length Guidelines

  • 5’0” to 5’2” = 32.5 inches
  • 5’2” to 5’4” = 33 inches
  • 5’4” to 5’6” = 33.5 inches
  • 5’6” to 5’8” = 34 inches
  • 5’8” to 6’0” = 34.5 inches  
  • 6’0” to 6’2” = 35 inches
  • 6’2”+ = 36 inches

Factors that affect your putter length

Four major things affect your decision-making:

  1. Height: We’ve mentioned this before but your height impacts the length of your putter. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you’re short, you’ll need a shorter putter and vice versa.
  2. Arm length: The length of your arms is ultimately what’s going to determine your putter length. For instance, if you’re a tall golfer with shorter arms, you’ll likely need a long putter for the ideal putt setup.
  3. Body composition: If you’re carrying a bit of extra weight around your midsection, you may find you bend over more to get your putter flush on the ground. This usually means that a shorter putter is needed. On the other hand, slimmer golfers tend to use long putters to achieve the same result.
  4. Injury: If you’re prone to back spasms from bending, you may want to use a putter that reduces this pain and discomfort. Golf isn’t about being in pain – it’s about being comfortable. Listen to your body and adjust or change your putter length to reflect this!

Now that all this measuring business is over with, let’s take a quick squiz at why putter length matters.

Why Does Putter Length Matter?

Okay, so now that we know how to measure putter length, here’s a bit of info about why the right putter length is so important.

This detail might seem like a speck on your golfing radar but it’s a pretty crucial element in the game of golf. The biggest reason for having the correct putter length is all about your setup. Having the perfect swing setup includes:

  1. Balance
  2. Center
  3. Angle

Get these three qualities aligned and Bob’s your uncle! Also, it significantly impacts your performance on the green in several ways:

  • Correct posture: The correct putter length helps you maintain proper posture and alignment during your putting stroke. A longer putter (or shorter putter) can force you into an uncomfortable stance – which is not what you’re looking for!
  • Stroke consistency: Ever tried to write with a pencil that is too long or too short? Awkward, right? The same goes for putting. The right putter length in relation to your height and arm length allows for a more consistent and natural putting stroke. This consistency is key if you want to achieve accuracy and control on the greens.
  • Comfort and confidence: Using the correct length putter adds to your comfort when playing the game, which can significantly impact your confidence. Confidence is king when sinking that golf ball after all!
  • Eye position: The length of your putter affects where your eyes position over the ball. Ideally, you want to have your eyes directly over the golf ball or slightly inside the line of your putt. This positioning helps with better distance control and alignment.
  • Reduced injuries: A putter that is too long or too short can force you to adopt an unnatural posture – like trying to walk in sneakers that are too big or too small!
    This leads to strained muscles, crooked necks, and sore shoulders. Using a putter of the correct length drastically reduces your risk of injuries – personal comfort equals smoother strokes!
  • Improved distance control: A proper length putter significantly aids in better control. When you’re comfortable with your putter, you’re more likely to achieve consistency across the green – a crucial element in controlling how far the ball rolls.
  • Personalized fit: Golfing style is all about personal preference. If you’re new to the game, it’s best to go for a putter fitting. Here, factors like arm length, height, and stance are taken into consideration.

A putter may be the shortest golf club in your bag, but is one of the most important clubs you’ll ever need!


What’s a quick way to measure putter length?

A quick way to measure (static) putter length is by standing upright with your arms naturally at your sides while making fists with your hands. Use a measuring tape to measure the distance from your index finger knuckle to the floor. This measurement is a rough estimate of the length of the putter you’ll need.

Does putter length matter?

Yes, it directly impacts the way you play on the green. If your putter is too long or too short, it can negatively impact your comfort and stance – and possibly bruise your ego!

What is the average putter length for men?

The average length for men’s putters is between 33 and 35 inches.

How do I measure the putter lie angle?

Measuring the lie angle is an important part of custom fitting a putter to a golfer’s stance and stroke. This angle is formed between the center of the shaft and the sole (bottom) of the clubhead when the putter is in the playing position. Here’s how you can measure the lie angle:

  • Place the putter on a flat surface, as you would when putting.
  • Place a protractor (or lie angle measuring device) against the shaft of the putter, making sure the base of the tool is flat against the bottom of the putter.
  • Look at where the putter shaft lines up on the protractor – this is the lie angle. Most standard putters have a 70-degree angle.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have the lowdown on how to measure putter length, you’re ready to hit that golf ball on the greens with confidence! Remember, your putter’s length isn’t just a number; it’s the maestro orchestrating your putting game that directly impacts the way you play.

Don’t be fooled into thinking there is a “standard” putter length out there; many factors – like height and weight – must be taken into consideration. Tweak, test, and find your perfect putter fit. Whether you opt for long putters or shorter ones, get ready to play your best golf symphony yet!

So, grab that tape measure, fine-tune your putter length, and head to the course! Your golfing symphony awaits – let the putting magic begin!

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