How Many Dimples Are On A Golf Ball?

Golfers, caddies and those with curious minds have undoubtedly once looked at a golf ball and asked themselves: “I wonder how many dimples are on a golf ball.

The question may seem simple, but the answer is a little bit unclear – as there isn’t one single answer! The number of dimples differs by balls and brands.

Read on as we discuss why there are dimples on a golf ball’s surface, how many dimples there are, and how you can choose the right ball for your game.

Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?

Golf ball manufacturers don’t really care for aesthetics – meaning the dimples are not there to make the ball look good.

There is science behind the dimples – they influence ball spin and flight.

Flat, round objects travel through the air irregularly because of how the air flows around and over it. That means that golf balls without dimples are unpredictable, offering very little control.

Golf ball dimples work by trapping a thin layer of air around the ball, which reduces aerodynamic drag and results in a smoother, longer flight.

Dimples also assist with lift: as the ball spins backward in its flight path (called “backspin”), the air pressure below the ball is higher than above it, allowing it to travel higher and further. The dimples strengthen this effect, contributing to about 50% of the lift force.

Interestingly, the dimple pattern and size also influence ball flight. The alignment of the dimples, as well as their depth, can impact how far the ball travels. Modern golf balls tend to have a deep dimple followed by a shallow dimple (although this is brand-specific).

This pattern, coupled with even spacing between the dimples, ensures precise shots with low drag and high lift.

How Many Dimples Does A Golf Ball Have?

As I mentioned: there is no clear answer to this question.

Most balls have somewhere between 250 and 500 dimples (which is a lot when you consider the size of a golf ball!).

There are no upper limits to the amount of dimples a ball can have – some have more than 1,000!

But the average number of dimples on a golf ball is 336.

Close up of different dimpled Titelist golf balls

The number of dimples is up to the golf ball manufacturer. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Titleist:
    • Velocity: 332
    • Tour Speed: 346
    • TruFeel: 376
  • Callaway: They always have 322 across their ball models.
  • TaylorMade:
    • TP5; TP5x; Soft Response: 322
    • Aero-Burner Pro; TaylorMade Distance: 342
    • RocketBallz Urethane: 360
  • Srixon:
    • Soft Feel: 324
    • Z-Star; Q-Star: 338
  • Wilson:
    • Staff Zip: 302
    • Staff Model: 348
    • Tour Velocity Accuracy: 400
    • Smart Core; Ultra 500: 432

So, as you can see, the total number of dimples really depends on what the manufacturer deems best for their ball models.

The History Of Golf Ball Dimples

The use of dimples on golf balls was actually completely accidental.

The very first golf balls were simply leather balls stuffed with feathers, which were used for centuries.

In the 1800s, golfers played with balls called “gutties”, which were made from molded tree sap from the sapodilla tree. These round balls had a smooth surface.

As golfers played with the tree sap balls, they got chips and bumps. And, to the surprise of the players, these dented, dinged balls performed much better than new, smooth balls!

Golf ball makers started creating protrusions on the balls, but by the early 1900s, it was discovered that indentations worked much better than raised bumps.

William Taylor registered the first golf ball dimple design patent in 1905. Soon after, almost all golf balls had a dimple design similar to what we see today.

The science behind the dimpled golf ball has come very far since William Taylor’s days. Modern golf balls are tested with advanced technology to maximize lift, distance, and control.

Which Dimple Pattern Is Right For You?

Close up of different boxed balls for different performance factors

Now that you know how many dimples are on a golf ball (or at least, the average number), you also need to decide which golf ball and dimple pattern is the best choice for your game.

The number, size, and pattern are specific to each ball model, but the good news is you don’t have to analyze each pattern to select a ball… trust that the golf ball brands know what they are doing.

Instead of focusing on dimple patterns, consider other performance factors and how they will influence your game:

  • Does the ball have a high or low launch?
  • Does the ball offer a lot of spin?
  • What is the drag/resistance of the ball?

And yes, these factors are certainly influenced in part by the dimples. But you would be way better off to focus on a golf ball’s performance characteristics, and not on counting dimples!


How big are dimples on a golf ball?

The “size” of golf ball dimples is measured by depth, not diameter. On average, a golf ball dimple is about 0.01″ deep.

However, both the depth and circumference of the diples differ by model and brand. Some dimples are spherical, while Callaway has a ball with hexagonal dimples.

Which golf ball has the most dimples?

There are rumors of a discontinued golf ball with 1,700 dimples; however, the name and manufacturer of this ball seem to have been lost to history.

Today, the ball with the most dimples is the Dimplit-1070 with, you guessed it, 1,070 dimples! This ball has 656 small dimples and 414 large dimples. It’s the only modern golf ball on the market with this many dimples, and it claims to be the “#1 longest ball in golf”.

What would happen if a golf ball didn’t have dimples?

Smooth golf balls do not offer the same lift and distance as dimpled golf balls. A smooth ball will fly lower, have no spin, and move unpredictably through the air.

Even if a tour pro were to hit a smooth golf ball it would have poor flight and only travel about half the distance of a dimpled ball.

Do dimples affect golf ball weights?

No, dimples have no impact on the weight of a golf ball. It might seem like golf ball dimples reduce the weight since the ball flies higher and further, but that has to do with the reduced drag and improved aerodynamic performance offered by the golf ball dimples.

Wrapping Up

Line of golf balls on grass

Knowing exactly how many dimples there are on your golf balls may mean you have to read the box they came in or sit with a magnifying glass and count them – but you can satisfy your curiosity by knowing that on average, a ball has 336 dimples.

These dimples are crucial for ball flight and trajectory, helping you to control where you land your shot.

The only real way to know which number of dimples is best for you is to try out several golf balls at the driving range and find one that suits your style of play.

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